Relativize Absolute ORDs
You might be scratching your head over using relatvized ords, but if you plan to reuse PX pages consider using relativized ords. If you have a 100 energy meters you don’t want to set absolute ords for every page. Create 1 px page with relativized ords that you can use over and over.
1. Create a View
In Workbench, right-click on any Niagara component and click View -> New View
We’ll use this single PX file and re-use it over and over.
For a new px, you won’t be prompted to resue the view. When creating any views on Niagara components after this step you will get a dialog box asking if you want to re-use the view. Click Reuse.
2. Set up any ords you plan to use on your PX Page.
When you use the Px Editor tools to bind data, the ORD is usually supplied in an absolute format, by default. For example, station:¦slot:/Logic/AHU/DamperPosition. If you change the data binding to make it relative, then the path will resolve relative to its current parent ORD. This relative path makes the Px file resolve data bindings correctly to identically named components that reside in different locations, making this one Px file reusable in many views.
Click on the little icon with 3 dots and change each ord to relativized.
Save the Px page. Now you can duplicate this component and resuse the view. The ords will resolve the correct object.
Most of our widgets will resolve an absolute or relativized ord saving you many hours.